Technical Difficulties

We are halfway between the day we committed to starting Revealing Voices and our launch date of March 1.  Some days it feels overwhelming, other days it feels like we’re almost there.  In reality, we are making slow but steady progress. 

On “The Show Runner” podcast, there are over 100 episodes that are essentially dedicated to the business of podcasting.  A quick review of the episodes (e.g. “Podcasting Lessons from a Psychotherapist”, “How to Create a MVP (Minimum Viable Podcast)”, “How to Execute Engaging Podcast Interviews”, etc.) demonstrates how much there is to consider in developing a successful show.

Side Note: For anyone interested in Indiana University basketball, the co-host Jerod Morris is also the host of “The Assembly Call” podcast about Hoosiers basketball!

We are lining up a local photographer and music producer who are friends of mine to help with our logo and show opening/closing.  These are key branding details which we need others to provide their expertise. 

Today, we spent the majority of our time discussing equipment purchases and doing a test interview.  My biggest worry is the interviews.  Podcasts with low quality interviews are a sign of low production value.  Besides low quality, poor interview preparation can lead to content being erased and/or cause major editing issues.  I envision this being our greatest technical difficulty. Other technical issues will arise, but I can’t imagine anything more impactful than badly produced interviews.

On the equipment/software side, we will likely be buying two Shure SM58 dynamic microphones, an Ecamm Skype extension, Blubrry podcast hosting, interface hardware, a couple XLR cords, and a smoothie maker.  We will be able to buy this thanks to our Indiegogo donors.  Thank you!  We are only $170 away from our $3000 goal.  I may squeeze a few more dollars over the next two days by leveraging my 38th birthday on December 19!

It is not a technical difficulty, but Tony and I had a long, confusing conversation about StoryCorps today.  I feel like our “Revealing Voices” podcast will be most successful if we inspire our audience to independently reveal their voices.  This happens when people share their diagnosis with others, advocate for policy change around mental healthcare, speak out against stigma, etc.  I think when people use StoryCorps on whatever topic is meaningful to them, they are revealing their voice. 

This idea is not a top priority right now as we deal with the pressing technical issues of launching by March 1, but it is a vision that I will keep refining.  First, I need to record my own StoryCorps interview! (originally written Dec. 17)
